It takes trust to allow someone to care for your hair. The condition of one’s hair can be intimately rooted in your level of self-esteem. 

Why do you think some people are picky about choosing a hairdresser? Many in Calgary can attest to horrible hair stories from bad hairdressers that have left clients in tears and literally paying the price for it. 

Just like a hairdresser, you want to make sure you find the right hair transplant clinic. After all, you want to ensure you are getting top-quality treatment that will give you the results you envisioned at the end of the day. 

Doctor’s Expertise



When it comes to receiving a hair transplant, you want to make sure the doctor overseeing your procedure has the right skills and education to get the job done right. Unfortunately, some scammy hair transplant clinics can easily trick unsuspecting people into faulty and potentially unsafe procedures. 

You can ensure the credibility of your doctor by looking up what educational credentials they have received and fact-checking their legitimacy. 

In addition, it’s good to note the years of experience they have with conducting hair transplants. A seasoned doctor that has done many hair transplants throughout the years will make you feel at ease by knowing that you’re in good hands. 

Communicative Staff



Choosing to go in for a hair transplant can already feel so daunting and overwhelming. Naturally, you would want a great rapport with those assisting you throughout the process. 

A good sign of that would be through how the doctor and staff are readily able to answer any questions or concerns you might have. Even better is when they can answer your questions in detail – this shows not only their capacity to reassure by showcasing their knowledge and capability.

Also, friendliness is key. By having friendly staff, you can easily help alleviate a lot of anxieties you may have built up and make the procedure a smooth-sailing experience. 

Newest Technology 



Throughout the years, there have been many advancements in hair transplant procedures. As a result, the technology in hair transplant procedures is quite sophisticated and refined. In which case, if you want to have the best results, you will want to make sure that the clinics you’re looking into have the latest technology.

Having the latest technology shows a clinic’s dedication to optimizing and innovating the foundations of a hair transplant procedure. When they’re continually striving to improve upon their practice, it highlights a true desire to see top-notch, high-quality results that they can deliver upon with ease. As a result, you get the most out of your hair transplant procedure when your doctor works with cutting-edge technology.

Prime Hair Clinic provides a range of services to help you regain your hair and confidence. Our surgical techniques are world-class, and our team is experienced, caring, and honest. We offer a variety of hair restoration services, including scalp micropigmentation, PRP therapy, surgical hair transplants, and home care solutions. You can rely on Prime Hair Clinic for all your hair restoration needs. To get in touch, you can call us at (403) 259-6798 or email us at

PRP hair treatment In Calgary is a procedure that uses a person’s platelets to help promote hair growth. These platelets contain many proteins and enzymes that have been known to encourage hair growth. Some people compare PRP treatments to a hair transplant in Calgary.

Hair Transplants in Calgary


The average PRP hair treatment cost in Calgary is $1000 per session. Many people may notice a dramatic difference in hair growth within four weeks of the first PRP treatment. It is not uncommon for some individuals to repeat PRP treatments every six weeks or so, but that will depend on how quickly their bodies metabolize. The average number of required treatments ranges from eight to 12.

There are no set rules as far as cost goes because Calgary is a big area with different clinics. Treatments shouldn’t be more than 2500-3000 dollars if you do one session for yourself and see how it works. To avoid any serious damage, many clinics in Calgary might charge you around 2000-2500 if they provide multiple sessions at once.

The results you get from PRP treatments should last anywhere from three to six months, depending on the individual. However, your hair may start to grow back after a few months. Many people choose to have a PRP treatment twice a year to maintain their hair growth.

It is important to note that PRP hair treatment is not a permanent solution. It can also be expensive, but it does offer many benefits, the most notable of which is faster hair growth.

PRP treatments have been known to increase self-confidence, and health insurance plans in Canada often cover them. A Calgary clinic can provide you with more information about what this type of treatment involves and whether or not it would work for you.

Hair Clinics in Calgary


The results should last about three to six months. But it can be done at least twice a year to maintain hair growth if needed. The cost of follow-up treatments of PRP in Calgary is about 500-700$ and will be determined by how quickly your hair grows on average.

The PRP treatment is painless, and there should be no discomfort during or after the procedure. Most people will experience some redness for a few hours following their PRP treatment, but this side effect should start to go away soon.

Post-treatment care for any PRP hair treatment involves applying ice to your head for 20 minutes at a time for the first day. You can also use heat if you want, but it is not required. You must avoid the sun

Prime Hair Clinic offers services to help you get back on track. Our world-class surgical techniques set us apart and our honest, caring, and experienced staff can help you look and feel your best. For all hair restoration services including PRP therapy, scalp micropigmentation, surgical hair transplants , trust Prime Hair Clinic. Contact us by phone at (403) 259-6798 or by email at

Are you planning on getting a hair transplant in Calgary or just recently finished a hair transplant procedure? In order to get the best possible results, you have to take care of your hair properly – especially during the winter season. Here are some hair care tips to ensure you get the most out of your procedure.

Take It Easy on the Exercise

At least for the first few weeks, you have to go easy on the exercise. You want to avoid sweating too much as it can increase the chances of you getting an infection. Keep it limited to low-intensity exercises like slow walks to the park if you feel you need to get moving. Avoid exercises like weightlifting, jogging, or running which can lead to heavy sweating.

Wear Comfortable Hats

It’s normal to want to cover up your recent Calgary hair transplant with a hat. But when you do choose a hat, make sure you buy one with a fabric that isn’t irritating. You also want to make sure the hat doesn’t fit too tightly as it can cause skin irritation and excess sweating. If it’s an older hat, make sure you give it a good wash to get rid of the oils and dirt that may be set in on the fabric.

hair transplant calgary

Avoid Foods that Can Cause Inflammation

You also want to take care of your diet after your hair transplant in Calgary. Take it easy on refined carbs, sugar, processed meat, and transfats. You also want to avoid alcohol. Inflammation can help hinder the healing process and cause the scalp to be more sensitive than normal. It also affects blood circulation which can result in longer healing times.

Keep Indoor Temperatures Optimized

With the cold weather outside, most of us will want to crank up the heating indoors. As mentioned earlier, you want to avoid sweating after your Calgary hair transplant. Excessive sweating can lead to a greater risk of infection. To avoid this, you want to set the thermostat a little lower than usual. It also helps to purchase and install smart thermometers. These thermometers regulate temperature so that the heating only gets turned on when temperatures drop.

Following these tips will ensure that you recover from your hair transplant properly. It will also help you avoid common issues like infections and scalp irritation which often occur due to poor post-care.

Prime Hair Clinic offers services to help you get back on track. Our world-class surgical techniques set us apart and our honest, caring, and experienced staff can help you look and feel your best. For all hair restoration services including PRP therapy, scalp micropigmentation, surgical hair transplants, trust Prime Hair Clinic. Contact us by phone at (403) 259-6798 or by email at

When it comes to hair loss, many men feel like it’s just an inevitable fact of life. They stop fighting it and accept hair loss as a lost cause. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Men can regain their confidence with the latest hair loss solutions. There has been a lot of progress made over the last few years, and surgery is definitely a viable solution. Here is how men can get new hair and the new confidence that comes with it: 

Hair Restoration Options

There has been a lot of progress made in surgical hair restoration. One of the most popular options is the FUE transplant. This is a procedure where individual hair follicles are transplanted from a donor area and moved to balding areas. What’s great about the procedure is that it looks completely natural.

hair transplant

This procedure can also be used for men looking for thicker eyebrows and beards. Men that want to attain a more masculine look or have a stronger presence in their eyes should consider this procedure. FUE is the ideal procedure if you’re looking for any kind of hair transplant in Calgary.

Plenty of Non-Surgical Options are Available Too

The truth is that surgical hair restoration may not be the ideal solution for every patient. Fortunately, there are many non-surgical solutions that are effective against hair loss. They can help slow down or stall hair loss. In many cases, they can even help men regrow their hair.

There are topical and oral solutions that are very effective against hair loss. They can be combined with laser treatments and PRP for maximum results. Laser treatments have been proven to help regrow and thicken hair. Platelet-rich plasma (PR) is a newer therapy where you receive small injections of your own concentrated blood to help stimulate hair growth. The procedure is virtually painless and has no downtime.

Regain Your Natural Confidence Again

Men do not have to give in to hair loss. They can reclaim their confidence using the latest hair loss solutions that are available. While the ideal solution is to get a hair transplant in Calgary, there are many alternative solutions that are less invasive. This includes natural solutions, topical products, cosmetics, and more. To learn about what’s available, it’s recommended that you consult with a professional hair clinic to discuss your options.

Prime Hair Clinic offers services to help you get back on track. Our world-class surgical techniques set us apart and our honest, caring, and experienced staff can help you look and feel your best. For all hair restoration services including PRP therapy, scalp micropigmentation, surgical hair transplants, trust Prime Hair Clinic. Contact us by phone at (403) 259-6798 or by email at

Hair transplants can produce dramatic results after several months. However, it’s important to follow proper care after you’ve just gotten a transplant. Here is what you need to do following your hair transplant procedure.

7 Steps To Take Care After Your Transplant 

1. Keep Your Head Elevated While Sleeping

For the first few days, you should try to keep your head elevated at a 45-degree angle while sleeping. This is to reduce swelling and pressure to the transplanted areas. You can use an extra pillow to keep your head elevated.

2. Avoid Certain Foods and Medications

Eating certain foods can cause inflammatory reactions, especially if you tend to be allergic to them. Talk to your doctor about which foods and medications to avoid. Aspirin is a common medication that you should avoid.

3. Ice Packs Can Help

Applying ice packs to your forehead can help reduce the swelling. Make sure that it’s not too cold. You can add additional cloth to reduce the coldness. You can apply an ice pack every two to three hours for 15 minute periods.

4. Take the Recommendation Medication

Your doctor will prescribe medication to you following the procedure. Make sure you take them as recommended. You may also opt for painkillers, but ask your doctor to see which ones you can take.

hair transplant calgary

5. Don’t Overexert Yourself

Do not expose yourself to physical exercise and stressful work situations for at least a week after your procedure. You do not want to trigger an inflammatory response that affects your hair transplant.

6. Learn to Wash Your Hair Properly
Your doctor will give you recommendations on how to wash your hair, especially the transplanted area. You have to be very careful not to pull out the roots during the first few weeks.

7. Wait Two to Three Weeks Before Going Back to Everyday Hair Care

You should wait two to three weeks before doing things like combing your hair, scratching your head, using hair dryers, using styling products, and dying your hair. You want to give your hair a recovery period.

Hair transplants tend to be successful for most patients. However, you can still affect the results if you do not follow proper care after your transplant.

Prime Hair Clinic offers services to help you get back on track. Our world-class surgical techniques set us apart and our honest, caring, and experienced staff can help you look and feel your best. For all hair restoration services including PRP therapy, scalp micropigmentation, surgical hair transplants, trust Prime Hair Clinic. Contact us by phone at (403) 259-6798 or by email at

There is so much information about getting hair restoration in Calgary that people might be a little overwhelmed about what is right or wrong. Here are some key things you should know about the whole process.

1. There are many different types of procedures 

There is a distinct lack of information when it comes to hair transplants in Calgary. Many people are either confused about the process and how it works. There are many different methods in which you can get new hair. They are broken down into two categories: Hair Transplant and Non-Surgical Hair Restoration. 

Hair transplant procedures include Surgical Hair Restoration, FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant) and FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction). Non-Surgical Hair Restoration includes PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) and SMP (Scalp Micropigmentation).

Each procedure has its advantages and disadvantages. You will have to speak to your local hair transplant professional for more information. 

2. Hair transplants do work

There is also some scepticism that hair transplants in Calgary don’t work. Before you have a hair transplant, you have no idea if it’ll work. But when you consider the thousands of happy men out there that enjoy new hair from transplants, you might reconsider it. With the right doctor, the results can be nothing short of extraordinary. If you need further proof, speak to your local hair transplant professional and see their results. 

3. It will change your life 

There is no question: being bald can change your life. Many people embrace it and enjoy it to the brim. But many others struggle with it, and can’t accept that they’re bald. There is a terrifying aspect to losing your hair and can hit your confidence big time. Losing your hair can be one of the hardest things you’ll ever go through.

Getting a hair transplant in Calgary though, can change your life. Having flowing locks again, after years without them, gives you back confidence and self-esteem that you thought would never return.

4. The operation will take time for the effects to come through

If you think you’ll walk out with a new set of hair, then the answer is no. It will be months, even up to a year, for the full effects of your procedure to come through. The results and timeframe will vary from person to person. You will also have to take care of it in a strict way to ensure that you don’t face any problems whatsoever. 

5. Having hair doesn’t mean you can pull off any hairstyle

Yes, it’s awesome that you have hair again, but that doesn’t mean you can suddenly pull off any look you want with your hair. It’s not how it works. You are going to have to take your time to find what works for your hair and your style. 

Prime Hair Clinic offers services to help you get back on track. Our world-class surgical techniques set us apart and our honest, caring, and experienced staff can help you look and feel your best. For all hair restoration services including PRP therapy, scalp micropigmentation, surgical hair transplants, trust Prime Hair Clinic. Contact us by phone at (403) 259-6798 or by email at

Summer is here, and you’ve got a lovely new hairdo, thanks to your hair transplant. But walking out of your Calgary hair clinic with your new hair in the middle of summer isn’t the smartest move. There are certain precautions you have to take to ensure that your new hair doesn’t get damaged due to the hot weather.

4 Ways To Protect Your Hair Transplant In Summer

hair transplant calgary

Follow these four tips when it comes to protecting your hair transplant in the summertime, so you get the best results in the long-term.

1.Avoid sunburn

With a new set of hair, the last thing you want is to ruin it. So make sure that you always have your hair covered in the sun, especially in the first few weeks after your hair restoration surgery. Sunburning your scalp can damage the graft of your new hair follicles, resulting in weak growth, so you won’t get the results you desire.

2. Moisturize your scalp

Your hair transplant is going through a process, and that means you have to look after its foundation of your hair, your scalp. The best way to do this is to make sure that you moisturize your scalp as it will promote healthy growth and prevent your skin from drying out in the summertime. Look for products that are rich in protein and not on the cheap-side.

3. Avoid chlorine

While you might be tempted to jump into the pool, you best watch out. Chlorine is a killer when it comes to hair restoration. The chemical has hypochlorous acid, which can kill your cells, dry out your hair, making it become brittle and destroying the growth of the new hair follicles. Try to avoid it as much as possible. If you can’t resist temptation and end up swimming, make sure you thoroughly wash your hair with a protein-enriched conditioner and shampoo to get back the missing moisture your hair needs.

4. Keep hydrated – you & your hair

Your new hair has to be fresh and moisturize as often as possible. The best way to go about doing that in summer is by keeping yourself hydrated. Drink as much water as possible (it’s excellent for your hair in general) and wash your hair with nothing about water now and then. It will keep your hair hydrated.

By following these tips, you will be able to avoid any issues with your hair transplant in the summer. If you would like more information about your procedure and how to manage it in the hot weather, speak to your hair clinic in Calgary today.

Prime Hair Clinic offers services to help you get back on track. Our world-class surgical techniques set us apart and our honest, caring, and experienced staff can help you look and feel your best. For all hair restoration services including PRP therapy, scalp micropigmentation, surgical hair transplants, trust Prime Hair Clinic. Contact us by phone at (403) 259-6798 or by email at