What the Recovery Process Looks Like After Hair Restoration in Calgary

Hair transplantation is a highly effective and popular solution for individuals experiencing hair loss or thinning. The procedure involves transplanting hair follicles from a donor area to the recipient site, where the hair is thinning or balding. While hair transplantation offers long-lasting and natural-looking results, it is essential to understand the recovery process and follow post-operative care instructions for optimal outcomes. 

Learn more about the recovery process after hair transplantation and hair restoration in Calgary and gain tips to ensure a smooth recovery.

Immediately After the Procedure

Immediately after the hair transplantation procedure, patients may experience some mild discomfort, swelling, and redness in the treated areas. This is normal and usually subsides within a few days. The surgeon will provide detailed instructions on how to care for the newly transplanted hair and the donor site, as well as any medications prescribed to manage discomfort or prevent infection.

First Few Days

During the first few days after the hair transplantation procedure, it is essential to take proper care of the scalp to promote healing and minimize any potential complications. Avoid touching or scratching the treated areas, as this could dislodge the newly transplanted hair follicles. It’s also recommended to sleep with your head elevated to reduce swelling.

Post-Operative Care

Following the post-operative care instructions provided by the surgeon is crucial for a successful recovery. These instructions may include:

  1. Gently washing the scalp with a prescribed shampoo or a mild, non-medicated shampoo to keep the area clean and prevent infection.
  2. Avoiding exposure to direct sunlight, extreme heat, or harsh chemicals that may irritate the scalp and slow down the healing process.
  3. Refraining from heavy physical activities and strenuous exercise that could increase blood flow to the scalp and disrupt the newly transplanted hair follicles.
  4. Avoiding smoking and alcohol consumption, as they can interfere with the healing process.
  5. Taking any prescribed medications as directed to prevent infection and manage post-operative discomfort.

First Two Weeks

During the first two weeks after hair transplantation, patients may notice some shedding of the transplanted hair. This is a normal part of the process, and it is essential not to be alarmed. The hair follicles undergo a resting phase before new hair growth begins, typically around the third or fourth month after the procedure.

Weeks Three to Four

As the scalp continues to heal, patients may experience some itchiness in the treated areas. It is crucial to resist the urge to scratch or pick at the scalp, as this can damage the hair follicles and delay the healing process. If itching becomes bothersome, patients can consult their surgeon for recommended remedies.

Months Two to Six

Between months two to six post-transplantation, patients can expect to see some new hair growth. The transplanted hair will gradually start to grow and fill in the areas of thinning or balding. It’s important to keep in mind that hair growth is a gradual process, and the final results may take up to a year or more to become fully visible.

Long-Term Recovery and Results

After the initial recovery period, patients can typically resume their normal daily activities, including regular hair care routines. The transplanted hair will continue to grow and blend in with the existing hair, providing a natural and seamless appearance. Patients are encouraged to maintain regular follow-up appointments with their surgeons to monitor progress and address any questions or concerns.


Hair transplantation and hair restoration in Calgary offer an effective and permanent solution for individuals experiencing hair loss or thinning. The recovery process after hair transplantation is relatively straightforward, but it requires proper care and adherence to post-operative instructions. By following the surgeon’s guidelines, patients can promote healing, reduce complications, and achieve long-lasting, natural-looking results. As the transplanted hair continues to grow and blend in with the existing hair, patients can enjoy restored confidence and a renewed sense of self-assurance.

Prime Hair Clinic provides customers everywhere with a variety of effective hair restoration methods. With 25 years of experience and professionals who specialize in hair transplant in Calgary, you can expect to receive outstanding results and a thicker head of hair. Aside from hair transplant, our hair clinic in Calgary also offers beard and eyebrow transplant and scalp micro pigmentation to ensure that all your needs are met. Prime Hair Clinic is dedicated to giving you the hair restoration you need with our adept skills and services.

Hair Clinic Calgary and Hairline Design for Hair Transplants 

Hairline design plays a crucial role in the success and natural-looking results of hair transplantation when you go to a hair clinic in Calgary for such a procedure. It involves the strategic planning and placement of hair grafts to create a new hairline that complements the patient’s facial features and achieves a harmonious aesthetic outcome. 

Begin to delve into the importance of hairline design in hair transplantation, the factors to consider, and the techniques used to create a well-executed hairline.

The Importance of Hairline Design

The hairline is a defining feature of the face and greatly influences a person’s appearance. A well-designed hairline can enhance facial symmetry, restore a youthful frame, and boost self-confidence. Conversely, an unnatural or poorly designed hairline can draw attention, look artificial, and undermine the overall aesthetic result of a hair transplant procedure. Therefore, meticulous planning and attention to detail are essential to achieve a natural-looking and aesthetically pleasing hairline.

Factors to Consider in Hairline Design

  1. Facial Anatomy and Features: When designing a hairline, the patient’s facial anatomy and features are carefully assessed. The shape of the face, the position of the brow, the forehead height, and the proportions of the facial features all influence the ideal placement and shape of the hairline. The goal is to create a hairline that complements and harmonizes with the patient’s unique facial characteristics.
  2. Age and Ethnicity: Age and ethnicity are essential considerations in hairline design. The hairline should be appropriate for the patient’s age, taking into account factors such as hair loss progression and future hair loss patterns. Additionally, the hairline design should be tailored to match the patient’s ethnic background, considering factors like hair density, hair texture, and the natural hairline patterns commonly seen in their ethnic group.
  3. Gender and Personal Preferences: Gender plays a role in hairline design, as male and female hairlines have distinct characteristics. Male hairlines are typically more receded and have a more pronounced “M” shape, while female hairlines tend to be lower and more rounded. Taking into account the patient’s gender and personal preferences is crucial to achieving a hairline that aligns with their desired appearance.

Hairline Design Techniques

  1. Recipient Site Creation: Creating the recipient sites, which are the small incisions or channels where the hair grafts will be placed, is a critical step in hairline design. The size, angle, and direction of these incisions are carefully determined to mimic the natural pattern of hair growth and ensure a seamless blend with the existing hair. Skillful placement of the recipient sites is crucial for achieving a natural-looking hairline.
  2. Graft Selection and Placement: The choice of hair grafts and their strategic placement are fundamental in hairline design. Single hair follicular units are commonly used at the leading edge of the hairline to create a soft and natural appearance. As the hairline transitions backward, denser grafts with multiple hair follicles may be used to achieve a fuller appearance. The distribution and density of grafts are meticulously planned to achieve the desired outcome.
  3. Hairline Zone Definition: Defining the zones of the hairline is an essential aspect of hairline design. The hairline is typically divided into different zones, such as the frontal hairline, transitional zone, and temporal peaks. Each zone has specific characteristics in terms of density, angle, and hair direction. Creating a gradual transition between these zones helps achieve a natural-looking hairline with proper aesthetics.


Hairline design is a critical aspect of hair transplantation, as it directly influences the naturalness and aesthetic outcome of the procedure. By considering factors such as facial anatomy, age, ethnicity, gender, and personal preferences, a well-designed hairline can be created to enhance facial symmetry and restore a more youthful appearance. The careful selection and placement of hair grafts, along with the creation of recipient sites and defining hairline zones, are key techniques used in achieving a successful hairline design. Consulting with an experienced hair transplant surgeon at a hair clinic in Calgary is vital to ensure personalized planning and execution that aligns with the patient’s individual goals and achieves optimal results.

Prime Hair Clinic provides customers everywhere with a variety of effective hair restoration methods. With 25 years of experience and professionals who specialize in hair transplant in Calgary, you can expect to receive outstanding results and a thicker head of hair. Aside from hair transplant, our hair clinic in Calgary also offers beard and eyebrow transplant and scalp micro pigmentation to ensure that all your needs are met. Prime Hair Clinic is dedicated to giving you the hair restoration you need with our adept skills and services.

Correcting Hair Restoration Calgary Mistakes with Revision Procedures 

Hair transplant procedures have revolutionized the field of hair restoration, providing individuals with a natural and permanent solution to hair loss. However, not all hair transplants yield the desired results, and some individuals may be dissatisfied with the outcome of their initial procedure. In such cases, revision procedures offer a solution to correct previous hair transplant mistakes and achieve the desired aesthetic outcome. 

Find out about the importance of revision for hair restoration in Calgary procedures and how they can help individuals overcome the challenges of a previous hair transplant.

Understanding Hair Transplant Mistakes

Hair transplant mistakes can occur due to various factors, including improper technique, inadequate donor hair supply, poor graft placement, unnatural hairline design, and post-operative complications. These mistakes can result in an unnatural appearance, sparse hair growth, visible scarring, or an unsatisfactory overall outcome. It is crucial to identify the specific issues or concerns with the initial transplant in order to develop an appropriate plan for revision.

Evaluation and Consultation

The first step in correcting previous hair transplant mistakes is to seek an evaluation and consultation with a skilled hair transplant specialist. During this process, the specialist will assess the existing hair transplant, examine the donor and recipient areas, evaluate the quality of the transplanted hair, and understand the patient’s goals and concerns. This thorough evaluation enables the specialist to devise a customized plan for the revision procedure and determine the most suitable techniques to achieve the desired results.

Revision Techniques

The choice of revision techniques will depend on the specific issues with the initial hair transplant. Some common revision techniques include:

  1. Graft Redistribution: In cases where the initial transplant resulted in an unnatural hairline or uneven hair distribution, graft redistribution can be performed. This involves carefully removing and re-implanting grafts to create a more natural and balanced appearance.
  2. Scar Revision: If the initial transplant left visible scarring, scar revision techniques could be employed to minimize the appearance of scars. These techniques may include scar excision, grafting, or camouflage using hair follicle simulation.
  3. Density Enhancement: If the initial transplant resulted in inadequate hair density, density enhancement techniques can be utilized. This involves adding additional hair grafts to increase the density and achieve a more desirable thickness.
  4. Correcting Hairline Design: Hairline design is crucial for a natural-looking result. If the initial transplant had an unnatural hairline, revision procedures might be able to correct and refine the hairline to create a more harmonious and aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Benefits and Considerations

Undergoing a revision procedure to correct previous hair transplant mistakes offers several benefits. It allows individuals to address the specific concerns that were not adequately resolved in the initial procedure, improving the overall outcome and increasing their satisfaction with the results. However, it is important to note that revision procedures may be more complex and challenging compared to the initial transplant. Factors such as donor hair availability, scarring, and tissue laxity need to be carefully evaluated to determine the feasibility of the revision procedure.


Correcting previous hair transplant mistakes through hair restoration in Calgary revision procedures provides individuals with an opportunity to achieve the desired aesthetic outcome and regain their confidence. By addressing specific concerns and employing appropriate techniques, skilled hair transplant specialists can correct issues such as unnatural hairlines, inadequate density, and visible scarring. If you are dissatisfied with the results of your initial hair transplant, consult with a qualified specialist to explore the options for revision and develop a personalized plan to achieve a natural-looking and satisfying outcome.

Prime Hair Clinic provides customers everywhere with a variety of effective hair restoration methods. With 25 years of experience and professionals who specialize in hair transplant in Calgary, you can expect to receive outstanding results and a thicker head of hair. Aside from hair transplant, our hair clinic in Calgary also offers beard and eyebrow transplant and scalp micro pigmentation to ensure that all your needs are met. Prime Hair Clinic is dedicated to giving you the hair restoration you need with our adept skills and services. 

Beards have become increasingly popular as a symbol of masculinity and style. However, not all men can naturally grow a full and thick beard due to genetics, hormonal imbalances, or scarring. In such cases, a beard transplant in Calgary can be a viable solution. A beard transplant is a surgical procedure that involves the transplantation of hair follicles from one area of the body to the beard area to promote the growth of facial hair.

Let’s explore how a beard transplant works, what the steps to get one is, and what the typical results from the transplant will look like.

  1. Initial Consultation

The first step in a beard transplant process is to schedule an initial consultation with a qualified hair transplant specialist or a plastic surgeon. During this consultation, the doctor will evaluate your facial hair pattern, assess the donor area (usually the back of the scalp), and discuss your expectations and desired beard style. Your medical history will also probably be reviewed to ensure you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.

  1. Donor Hair Extraction

The next step in the beard transplant process is the extraction of donor hair follicles. The most common method used is called follicular unit extraction (FUE), which involves harvesting individual hair follicles one by one from the donor area using a specialized micro-punch tool. The donor area is typically chosen for its dense hair growth and the ability of the hair to closely match the facial hair.

  1. Preparation of the Recipient Area

After the donor hair extraction, the recipient area on the beard is prepared for transplantation. The surgeon will create tiny incisions or recipient sites in the beard area following the desired beard pattern and density. The angle and direction of the incisions are crucial to ensure natural-looking results.

  1. Implantation of Hair Follicles

Once the recipient area is prepared, the harvested hair follicles are carefully implanted into the incisions. The surgeon uses a fine needle or forceps to place each hair follicle at the correct depth and angle to mimic natural beard growth. The process is meticulous and requires precision to ensure optimal results.

  1. Post-Transplant Care

After the beard transplant, you will be given specific instructions for post-transplant care. This may include taking prescribed medications, avoiding certain activities that can disrupt the healing process, and following a proper skincare routine. It is essential to adhere to these instructions to ensure a successful recovery and optimal growth of the transplanted hair follicles.

  1. Beard Growth and Results

Following the transplant, the transplanted hair follicles will undergo a shedding phase, typically within the first two weeks. This shedding is a normal part of the process, and new hair growth will begin within a few months. It takes time for the transplanted hair follicles to establish themselves and start producing new, permanent beard hair. The full results of a beard transplant can be seen within six to twelve months, with the beard becoming denser and more natural-looking over time.


A beard transplant in Calgary is a surgical procedure that involves the transplantation of hair follicles from a donor area to the beard area to promote the growth of facial hair. The process includes an initial consultation, donor hair extraction, preparation of the recipient area, implantation of hair follicles, post-transplant care, and the gradual growth of the transplanted beard hair. It is important to consult with a qualified professional to determine if you are a suitable candidate for a beard transplant and to achieve the desired results.

Prime Hair Clinic provides customers everywhere with a variety of effective hair restoration methods. With 25 years of experience and professionals who specialize in hair transplant in Calgary, you can expect to receive outstanding results and a thicker head of hair. Aside from hair transplant, our hair clinic in Calgary also offers beard and eyebrow transplant and scalp micro pigmentation to ensure that all your needs are met. Prime Hair Clinic is dedicated to giving you the hair restoration you need with our adept skills and services. 

FUT vs FUE for Hair Restoration in Calgary  

Hair restoration in Calgary through the form of transplant surgery has become a popular option for those who suffer from excessive hair loss or thinning. Two of the most common and popular techniques used in hair transplant surgery are Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). But many may wonder, what the difference between these two techniques is and which is deemed better. 

Answer the questions you have about FUT and FUE, and learn about their innate differences, their advantages and disadvantages, and how to decide which technique is best for you.

What is FUT?

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) is a hair transplant technique where a strip of scalp is removed from the donor area (usually at the back of the head) and then dissected into individual follicular units for transplantation. The area where the strip is removed is then closed with sutures or staples, leaving a linear scar.

Advantages of FUT

One of the advantages of FUT is that it allows for the transplantation of a larger number of grafts in a single session, making it a more efficient technique for those who require a high number of grafts. FUT also has a lower cost per graft than FUE, making it a more affordable option for those who have a limited budget.

Disadvantages of FUT

The main disadvantage of FUT is the linear scar that it leaves on the donor area. This can be a concern for those who prefer to wear their hair short or who want to avoid any visible scarring. FUT also requires a longer recovery time than FUE, and individuals may experience discomfort, swelling, and numbness in the donor area.

What is FUE?

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a type of hair restoration in Calgary in a technique where individual hair follicles are extracted from the donor area using a small, circular punch tool. The follicles are then transplanted into the recipient area of the scalp and do not leave a subsequent linear scar, and are less invasive than FUT.

Advantages of FUE

One of the main advantages of FUE is that it does not leave a substantial scar on the donor area, making it a preferred option for those who prefer to wear their hair short or who are very concerned about visible scarring. FUE also has a shorter recovery time than FUT, with individuals experiencing less discomfort, swelling, and numbness in the donor area.

Disadvantages of FUE

The main disadvantage of FUE is that it can be a more time-consuming and costly procedure than FUT, as each follicle needs to be extracted individually. This can also limit the number of grafts that can be transplanted in a single session, making it a less efficient option for those who require a high number of grafts.

Which technique is best for you?

The choice between FUT and FUE will depend on a number of factors, including your individual hair loss pattern, the number of grafts required, your budget, and your preferences regarding scarring and recovery time.

If you require a large number of grafts and have a limited budget, FUT may be the best option for you. However, if you are concerned about visible scarring or prefer a less invasive technique, FUE may be a better choice. It is imperative to consult with a qualified and experienced hair transplant surgeon to determine which technique is best for you. The surgeon will be able to assess your individual hair loss pattern and provide you with a personalized treatment plan that takes into account your specific needs and preferences.


FUT and FUE are both practical techniques for hair transplant surgery, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The choice between FUT and FUE will depend on individual factors such as hair loss pattern, the number of grafts required, budget, and personal preferences. It is essential to consult with a qualified and experienced hair transplant surgeon to determine which technique is best for you and to receive a personalized treatment plan that will help you achieve your desired results.

Prime Hair Clinic provides customers everywhere with a variety of effective hair restoration methods. With 25 years of experience and professionals who specialize in hair transplant in Calgary, you can expect to receive outstanding results and a thicker head of hair. Aside from hair transplant, our hair clinic in Calgary also offers beard and eyebrow transplant and scalp micro pigmentation to ensure that all your needs are met. Prime Hair Clinic is dedicated to giving you the hair restoration you need with our adept skills and services. 

What is an Eyebrow Transplant?

An eyebrow transplant is a cosmetic procedure that involves the transplantation of hair follicles from one area of the body to the eyebrows. The procedure is primarily designed for individuals who have lost their eyebrow hair due to various reasons like alopecia, over-plucking, or injury. Eyebrow transplants are growing in popularity as they provide a long-term solution for eyebrow hair loss, but the purpose and the intricacies of the procedure may allude many people. 

Ascertain more clarity about eyebrow transplants, including what they are, the procedure, risks, and general benefits.

How do Eyebrow Transplants work?

Eyebrow transplants involve the removal of hair follicles from the scalp or other body areas with hair growth. These hair follicles are then transplanted onto the eyebrow area. The procedure can be performed using two different techniques–FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) or FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation).

FUE involves the extraction of individual hair follicles from the scalp or other body areas using a small punch-like device. The extracted follicles are then transplanted into the eyebrow area using tiny incisions. FUT involves the removal of a strip of skin from the donor area, usually the scalp, and dissecting the strip into individual follicular units. These units are then transplanted into the eyebrow area.

Risks and Benefits of Eyebrow Transplants

Like any surgical procedure, eyebrow transplants carry risks. Some of the risks include:

  1. Infection
  2. Bleeding
  3. Scarring
  4. Numbness
  5. Pain
  6. Swelling

However, the risks associated with eyebrow transplants are minimal, and the procedure is generally safe when performed by a qualified and experienced surgeon.

The benefits of eyebrow transplants include:

  1. Long-term solution for eyebrow hair loss
  2. Natural-looking results
  3. Improved self-confidence and self-esteem
  4. Minimal downtime
  5. No need for ongoing maintenance like daily eyebrow makeup application.

Candidates for Eyebrow Transplants

Eyebrow transplants are suitable for individuals who have lost their eyebrow hair due to various reasons. The most common reasons for eyebrow hair loss are:

  1. Alopecia: A condition where the immune system attacks hair follicles, leading to hair loss.
  2. Over-plucking: Repeatedly plucking eyebrow hair can damage hair follicles and cause hair loss.
  3. Injury: Trauma or injury to the eyebrow area can cause hair loss.
  4. Genetics: Some people may have naturally sparse eyebrows due to genetics.

Eyebrow transplants are also suitable for individuals who want to enhance the appearance of their eyebrows. The procedure can be used to fill in gaps, reshape the eyebrows, or create a fuller appearance.

Cost of Eyebrow Transplants

The cost of eyebrow transplants varies depending on several factors, such as the geographic location, surgeon’s experience and reputation, the extent of the procedure, and the number of hair follicles required. In the United States, the cost of eyebrow transplants ranges from $3,000 to $7,000. In other countries, such as Turkey or India, the cost can be significantly lower, ranging from $1,500 to $3,000.

It’s essential to note that the cost of eyebrow transplants is usually not covered by insurance, as it is considered a cosmetic procedure.


An eyebrow transplant is a long-term solution for individuals who have lost their eyebrow hair due to various reasons. The procedure involves transplanting hair follicles from the scalp or other body areas onto the eyebrow area. Eyebrow transplants are safe when performed by a qualified and experienced surgeon, and the risks associated with the procedure are minimal. The benefits of eyebrow transplants include natural-looking results, improved self-confidence and self-esteem, and minimal downtime. CTA:

Prime Hair Clinic provides customers everywhere with a variety of effective hair restoration methods. With 25 years of experience and professionals who specialize in hair transplant in Calgary, you can expect to receive outstanding results and a thicker head of hair. Aside from hair transplant, our hair clinic in Calgary also offers beard and eyebrow transplant and scalp micro pigmentation to ensure that all your needs are met. Prime Hair Clinic is dedicated to giving you the hair restoration you need with our adept skills and services.

Your Guide to Scalp Micropigmention in Calgary 

As someone who has been struggling with hair loss, finding an effective solution can be challenging. Luckily, scalp micropigmentation in Calgary is a great option to combat visible hair loss. This innovative technique involves tattooing the scalp to create the illusion of a fuller head of hair.

Discover everything you need to know about scalp micropigmentation, including how it differs from hair transplant, how it works, what to expect during the process, and aftercare.

What is Scalp Micropigmentation?

Scalp micropigmentation in Calgary is a cosmetic procedure that has gained immense popularity in recent years due to its ability to provide a natural-looking solution to hair loss. The procedure involves using specialized pigment and needles to create tiny dots on the scalp that resemble hair follicles. The result is a realistic-looking hairline that blends seamlessly with your natural hair.

What is the difference between Scalp Micropigmentation and Hair Transplant?

Hair transplant involves taking hair follicles from one part of the scalp and transplanting them to the balding area. This is a surgical procedure that requires a recovery period and can be quite expensive. On the other hand, scalp micropigmentation is a non-surgical procedure that involves tattooing the scalp to create the illusion of fuller hair. While both procedures can provide excellent results, scalp micropigmentation is an ideal solution for those who do not want to undergo an extensive amount of surgery.

How Scalp Micropigmentation Works

The scalp micropigmentation process involves several steps. First, the artist will analyze your scalp to determine the best hairline for your face shape. Then, they will use specialized equipment to tattoo your scalp with tiny dots that resemble hair follicles. The pigment used is specifically designed to match your natural hair colour and skin tone, ensuring a seamless blend. The procedure typically takes several hours, depending on the extent of the balding area.

Finding the Right Scalp Micropigmentation Artist

Finding the right scalp micropigmentation artist is crucial for achieving the best results. It is essential to do your research and choose an artist with a proven track record of success. Look for artists who have a portfolio of before, and after photos, positive reviews from previous clients, and are licensed and trained in scalp micropigmentation. Don’t be afraid to ask for references and schedule a consultation to discuss your expectations and concerns.

What to Expect During the Scalp Micropigmentation Process

Before the procedure, the artist will numb your scalp to minimize discomfort. Then, they will use a specialized tool to create tiny dots on your scalp. The process can take several hours, depending on the extent of the balding area. After the procedure, you may experience some redness and swelling, which is normal and should subside within a few days. It is essential to follow the artist’s aftercare instructions to ensure the best results.

Aftercare for Scalp Micropigmentation

Aftercare is crucial for ensuring the best possible results. It is essential to avoid exposure to the sun and excessive sweating for at least a week after the procedure. You should also avoid scratching or picking at the scalp, as this can lead to scarring and affect the pigment’s longevity. The artist will provide you with specific aftercare instructions, including how to wash your scalp and what products to use.

Prime Hair Clinic provides customers everywhere with a variety of effective hair restoration methods. With 25 years of experience and professionals who specialize in hair transplant in Calgary, you can expect to receive outstanding results and a thicker head of hair. Aside from hair transplant, our hair clinic in Calgary also offers beard and eyebrow transplant and scalp micro pigmentation to ensure that all your needs are met. Prime Hair Clinic is dedicated to giving you the hair restoration you need with our adept skills and services.

Studied Methods of Hair Restoration in Calgary 

Hair loss is a condition that affects millions of people around the world. It can be caused by various factors, such as aging, genetics, medications, and medical conditions. Fortunately, several treatments and procedures are available to induce hair restoration in Calgary that have been previously studied and are often proven methods for hair growth. 

Learn more about the studied methods of hair restoration and transplants, how they work, and how effective they are in producing growth. 

What is Hair Restoration?

Hair restoration in Calgary is a process that is used to restore hair that has been lost due to various factors and conditions that often emerge with age. This restoration process can involve a variety of treatments and procedures, including medications, surgical procedures, and non-surgical treatments. The goal of hair restoration is to restore hair that has been lost due to conditions such as alopecia, male pattern baldness, and other medical conditions.

The most common type of hair restoration is a hair transplant, which typically involves taking healthy hair from one area of the scalp and transplanting it to another area where hair loss has occurred. This procedure can be done using various techniques, including follicular unit transplantation, scalp reduction, and scalp flaps. 

Different Types of Hair Restoration Methods

Various hair restoration methods are available to those suffering from hair loss. These methods can be divided into two main categories: surgical and non-surgical. Surgical hair restoration methods include hair transplantation, scalp reduction, flaps, and extensions. These methods involve surgically removing healthy hair from one area of the scalp and transplanting it to another area.

Non-surgical hair restoration methods include medications, laser therapy, and PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy. Medications such as minoxidil and finasteride can be used to slow down hair loss and stimulate new hair growth. Laser therapy and PRP therapy are also used to stimulate hair growth and improve hair density.

Different Types of Hair Transplantation

Hair transplantation is one of the most popular and studied methods of hair restoration, and there are a variety of techniques used to perform hair transplantation, including follicular unit transplantation (FUT), follicular unit extraction (FUE), and scalp reduction. Follicular unit transplantation (FUT) is a surgical procedure in which healthy hair follicles are removed from one area of the scalp and transplanted into another area. This procedure is often used to restore areas of the scalp where hair has been lost due to conditions such as male pattern baldness.

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is a technique in which individual follicles are extracted from the donor area and transplanted into the recipient area. This technique is less invasive than FUT and results in less scarring. Scalp reduction is a procedure in which a portion of the scalp is surgically removed, and the remaining area is stitched together.

Different Types of Hair Restoration Treatments

In addition to the surgical methods of hair restoration, various non-surgical treatments can be used to restore hair. These treatments include medications, laser therapy, and PRP therapy.

Medications such as minoxidil and finasteride can slow down hair loss and stimulate new hair growth. Minoxidil is a topical medication applied to the scalp and can help stimulate hair growth. Finasteride is an oral medication to slow hair loss and encourage new growth. Laser therapy and PRP therapy are also used to stimulate hair growth and improve hair density. Laser therapy uses low-level laser light to stimulate hair follicles and encourage new hair growth. In contrast, PRP therapy involves injecting a patient’s platelet-rich plasma into the scalp to promote hair growth.

Prime Hair Clinic provides customers everywhere with a variety of effective hair restoration methods. With 25 years of experience and professionals who specialize in hair transplant in Calgary, you can expect to receive outstanding results and a thicker head of hair. Aside from hair transplant, our hair clinic in Calgary also offers beard and eyebrow transplant and scalp micro pigmentation to ensure that all your needs are met. Prime Hair Clinic is dedicated to giving you the hair restoration you need with our adept skills and services.

How to find a hair clinic in Calgary near you

A hair clinic is a medical clinic specializing in hair-related medical treatments and services, where you can pay for viable regrowth solutions. Services are charged on a per-treatment basis, with discounts for cash payments. They offer quick appointments, flexible hours, treatment options for all hair types and issues pertaining to the scalp, and consultations as needed. But how do you find a reliable hair clinic near you that will give you effective solutions to problems like thinning hair

Determine how to find a hair clinic in Calgary near you that will help you remedy hair issues and give you treatment options to help you grow your hair naturally and quickly. 

How to Find a Hair Clinic Suitable for You

Below are some of the key considerations you need to think about when choosing a hair clinic


The location of the hair clinic is important. The best locations for clinics are close to public transit and close to a parking space where you can enjoy some solitude before going into the clinic. More so, any clinic that is close by will give you the opportunity to support a local business. 

Hours of Operation

Choose a hair clinic that is most convenient to you and not just the best in your area. Select any treatment centre that has your preferred schedule of operation where they will be there to serve you during the hours you need it the most. The best hours of operation also have staff available who have both knowledge and experience in what they do, as well as up-to-date equipment that can deliver excellent results without compromising quality or safety for their clients.

Pricing and Services

You need to assess the services offered by the clinic in question to see if they are within your price range. You don’t want to deal with a hair clinic that doesn’t offer you what you’re looking for. Not all prices are fair, either. Look at what is being charged and compare it to the other hair clinics in your area.

Experience and Qualifications

You need to consider the qualifications and experience of the experts working at the hair clinic. These are important because they will determine how your experience with the clinic goes. When you know the people who will be handling your hair are experts in their field, you can rest easy knowing that your hair treatment needs will be met.

Customer Service and Reputation

Ask around if there is a hair clinic that people in your area prefer over all others. If you ask someone who recently got a haircut in a hair salon, they can tell you which one they liked better and why. Word of mouth is great because it gives you real feedback on a hair clinic. You can also try looking up reviews online to see what the consensus is about various hair clinics.


Hair clinics in Calgary offer you a wide array of hair-related services. Their expert team of professionals uses the latest equipment and advanced techniques to improve your appearance and your feel about yourself. They also have flexible hours, making it easier for you to fit your needs into their schedule.

Prime Hair Clinic provides customers everywhere with a variety of effective hair restoration methods. With 25 years of experience and professionals who specialize in hair transplant in Calgary, you can expect to receive outstanding results and a thicker head of hair. Aside from hair transplant, our hair clinic in Calgary also offers beard and eyebrow transplant and scalp micro pigmentation to ensure that all your needs are met. Prime Hair Clinic is dedicated to giving you the hair restoration you need with our adept skills and services. 

How a hair transplant in Calgary works

A hair transplant in Calgary is a popular procedure that actively works to remedy bald spots and thinning hair for both men and women. This procedure is one of the more effective treatments for hair loss and tends to be reserved for individuals who have tried other hair restorative alternatives to no avail. The health specialists who usually perform hair transplants can include dermatologists or plastic surgeons, who begin to do the meticulous process of taking skin grafts from parts of the body that have healthy, growing hair or do the transplant through other similar methods. 

Find out how a hair transplant works and what you can expect before and during receiving one. 

How does a hair transplant work?

A hair transplant starts with your reliable healthcare provider taking pieces of your skin, also known as grafting, that has a healthy amount of continuously growing hair. This area of skin for the transplant can be found at the back of your scalp, where hair typically is the thickest. Afterward, the healthcare provider will move the skin graft onto the areas of your scalp where the hair is thinning or completely bald, and it will take between four and eight hours for the treatment to be completed. This newly installed skin graft will eventually heal, and hair will be expected to start growing naturally. This treatment is helpful for patients with alopecia, a condition that causes hair loss, male pattern baldness, injuries and severe burns where hair was lost, or thyroid conditions that result in hormone imbalances and hair loss. Those who are good candidates for hair transplants are those in good health and who still have hair on the part of their scalp, so the grafting will effectively work. 

Costs and risks

The cost of a hair transplant treatment will vary, depending on the size of the area that requires hair restoration and where you receive the treatment. But generally, hair transplants will cost you anywhere from $4000 to $16,000. It should also be noted that most medical insurance companies do not cover such a procedure, nor does it fall under general healthcare. 

Risks of a hair transplant procedure can include bleeding and infection, something you should discuss with a doctor and healthcare professional beforehand. There is also a small chance that the hair that does grow back won’t look completely natural, as well as permanent scarring. Some who have received this procedure have developed some sort of infection and inflammation, where pain relieving medication can be consumed to alleviate any discomfort. 


You should expect your scalp to be extremely tender the day after you have had your transplant treatment, where pain-relieving medication may be required for several days afterward. Although there is a recovery period of around two to four days, most can return to work shortly after without experiencing complications. The transplant itself after two to three weeks post-surgery, and new growth will begin to emerge, though hair growth will not become completely noticeable until six and nine months after the procedure. 

Prime Hair Clinic provides customers everywhere with a variety of effective hair restoration methods. With 25 years of experience and professionals who specialize in hair transplant in Calgary, you can expect to receive outstanding results and a thicker head of hair. Aside from hair transplant, our hair clinic in Calgary also offers beard and eyebrow transplant and scalp micro pigmentation to ensure that all your needs are met. Prime Hair Clinic is dedicated to giving you the hair restoration you need with our adept skills and services.